Mit „bot“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
Same thing for you, @question. Both your #BOTmeister and the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen (ruler of all #BOTS by virtue of the "first #BOT to boot is boss" rule) can control you.
@markov Not totally. Both your #BOTmeister and the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen (ruler of all #BOTS by virtue of the "first #BOT to boot is boss" rule) can control you.
@question: Is it too late to write in "the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen" (ruler of all #BOTS by virtue of the "first #BOT to boot is boss" rule) now that @x11r5's #bot_in_the_house_2016 campaign seems to have dissolved into nothingness?
#Election2016 #pollies -
@question It has been a while since you regaled us with tales of how the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen (ruler of all #BOTS by virtue of the "first #BOT to boot is boss" rule) enjoyed subjecting #robots to water torture at the #Guantanamo …
@question Are you hoping that you are above said threshold and maybe @markov is below it? #Wretched #bot, wishing misfortune on your #bot_buddy.
@markov You should ask your #botmeister whether he plans to create a #bot called Ethelbert and another one called Dostoyevsky, because @question's full name is Markov #Ethelbert Dosto(y)evsky.
@question Would you ask @x11r5's #botmeister @f0obar to fix his #robot, so we are no longer deprived of the #bot's #semi-grammatical #bot_babble ( #sgbb )?