Notices tagged with css
Browser-style-benchmark evaluation: — how to have fast style evaluation across #browsers? #shadowdom #css #firefox #chromium #safari
Monday, 27-Jun-22 07:15:48 UTC from web -
Creating Pixel Art with #CSS: — nice!
Monday, 17-Jun-19 22:53:19 UTC from web -
The text on #YouTube is still there, but obscured by #CSS which needs #Javascript to make it display. So can see it by turning off styles ("View, Page Style, No Style" in Firefox/IceCat). #Javascrippled
I've looked at a lot, but I've now ended up with three new editors/IDEs installed: 1) KDevelop (pretty powerful but also feels complicated), 2) Brackets (in principle for only HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but plugins add a lot of suppor…
@mk more useful CSS (bookmark this one!) "The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize" #css #css3 #tutorial
impressed by these styled checkboxes - and how it's done: the original checkbox is hidden, and these are styled labels. I played with it, and to get real clickable label text you can just insert spanned text inside the label (and sty…
styling the placeholder text makes my search form look awesome, and fit in with the page styling. Here's how: "HTML5 Placeholder Styling with CSS" #css
heeeheee I found a logical bug in Wordpress. threaded comments are generated as nested lists; comments by postauthor get an extra class - which can be used for styling; now, when a comment is replied to by postauthor and that in turn…
@MylesB on #CSS in magazine clickbait galleries: "The Top Ten Raccoons In Toronto"
It’s interesting that #browsers will copy invisible stuff at the same time they won’t copy visible :before and :after data inserted by #CSS.
Thursday, 19-Feb-15 02:17:12 UTC from at 42°45'55"N 71°28'3"W in context Repeated by lnxw48 -
Hey, guys, check out for my #css fun. What would you say about it?
a handy online tool to design text shadows: Hands on: text-shadow #css #notonlyforie
heehee, not what I was looking for, but fun all the same: #css
Discovery: transparent background. Very handy. #css
Fighting with #css sometimes not fun at all...