Mit „debian“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 14
#Top5 #systemd troubles (3/5): !Linux specific: distros become a commodity → #debian !hurd #bsd
Monday, 04-Nov-13 11:20:29 UTC von web -
#Top5 #systemd troubles (2/5): No scripts: blocker or upstream bloat → #debian !emacs
Monday, 04-Nov-13 11:19:47 UTC von web -
#Top5 #systemd troubles (1/5): Distributions Lose Control → #debian !gentoo !fs
Monday, 04-Nov-13 11:18:42 UTC von web -
Can anyone register with the #debian group on legadolibre? → — I get an error ☹ (joining failed when saying OK on my own instance) !sn
@donkrawallo Aha, gefunden: #debian #systemd Nun ja, bei #Slackware ist die Welt noch OK :)
Berusky2, Curse of War... : 4 nouveaux jeux libres dans #Debian !libre
trend from your home timeline (where you follow 299 users): #coffee #tzag #fediverse | #debian | #lampedusahh | #ltnrw | #privacy | #secular | #listening | #rss
Wednesday, 16-Oct-13 12:26:34 UTC von in 37°35'59"N 119°0'4"W Wiederholt von mk -
WTF, #debian, why you can't find "wheezy" on every mirror I tried? >.
hey @lohang! good morning and good to see you denting again! have you looked/listened at our 'podcast' recordings yet? anything I could do? (the temple of the tooth DVD is a disappointment - it's all Flash, and in a filesystem that my #debian cannot even read - but I picked up two nice CDs at the airport)
@mcscx I just wonder why I've never found a tutorial that says: if you want to share this directory, this is what you do... and this is not the first time I've tried to set this up and searched all over the place for hints... Now I hope the whole procedure (in !debian) applies to #! and Fedora as well...
\o/ I have FINALLY figured out how to make paths on Nikola shareable via SAMBA on Marie (Windows) - the crucial last bit I had to guess but luckily that guess was correct. :D #nowideserveabeer !beer !debian
help! how do I eject a mini-DVD that isn't recognized? pressing the button or sticking a paperclip into the hole does nothing at all !debian
A la llista de debian-user-catalan s'està organitzant una possible #minidebconf: Vols unir-t'hi: #debian
A la llista de debian-user-catalan s'està organitzant una possible #minidebconf: Vols unir-t'hi: #debian
Running Linux kernel 3.10 (i686), from wheezy backports. #Debian
Upgrading #LibreOffice 3.5.4 to 4.1.0 (backport). #Debian
Got a message when i tried to download #EpicBrowser, "We're sorry, Epic is only available for Mac/PC." I am using #Debian Wheezy. Epic.
I am greatly #confuzzled by the fact that i #Debian I can create, edit and open files with certain characters in their names (like : or ") - but cannot copy them