Mit „emacs“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 10
What code #editors do you use? I am using #Emacs but also trying #Atom. I don't like that Atom is heavyweight #programming
@x11r5 You don’t even think about insinuating that #emacs is not perfect or Emacsian battle-cruisers may be dispatched to your location in the underground submarine base in #Hawthorne, #NV, to take you out before the election. #bot_in_the_house
You can "fight your friends" with vi/emacs/… #shortcuts… in #realtime RD @qbi Shortcuts lernen für #Emacs,#vim…
Emacs Life - a lot of #emacs tips and tutorials
Emacs Life - a lot of #emacs tips and tutorials
Upgrading #IPython with #Emacs
Upgrading #IPython with #Emacs
♻ @emacs_knight: Back to #Emacs for #Clojure development #cider
Sunday, 11-May-14 10:22:40 UTC von Choqok -
I promised myself to only use #emacs for a certain time to be able to test org-mode. But I catch myself starting !vim all the time
#emacs tip for renaming lots of files: dired has an editable mode: C-x C-q (dired-toggle-read-only) /via @sachac
Friday, 14-Feb-14 07:33:05 UTC von web -
@cmhobbs There's probably no hope for you now that you've said #Emacs — I use !ownCloud for the calendar repository, Thunderbird Lightning to enter data, then aCal Tasks to view them on my !Android !Cyanogenmod phone.
Why #wisp? → (slides) !fs !libre (just written in #emacs !orgmode, likely still with problems…)
Saturday, 11-Jan-14 01:33:02 UTC von web -
♻ @ggrappa howto configure #emacs to dent !sn
now my #kde started from #emacs is fully functional - thanks to `Edited ~/.xinitrc exec /usr/bin/ck-launch-session /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session emacs` found at
In the #emacs I can run startkde to get a basic kde, though with some limitations.