Mit „github“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 3
#Github as a monoculture #code-hosting
Dan Ballard asks "Is it wise to use #github as infrastructure?"
#Infocalypse gives you decentralized #Github with anonymity using only free software
Friday, 22-May-15 08:35:02 UTC von web -
@donkrawallo ja, ich hab inzwischen die meisten meiner Projekte von #github nach #gitlab umgezogen
@whistlewright I believe #Crabtree recently had a new release. #Appletree, on the other hand, is gone. Just the #github file archive left.
New !python jobs board hosted on #github. #python
#github inspired theme for #gitweb (seen on #Libertree) #code-hosting
My #Git #Android #freesoftware plan for the weekend !selfhosting #GitHub #GoogleCode
Consolidation of centralized code-hosting platforms. How fun! It looks like #github really is this decade's #sourceforge.
"Github streaking for fun and profit": // BTW, I think most of this is still valid with non-github-hosted projects. Just that #github has that little display area that makes a contributions streak easy to see.
There is a new #JavaScript library for #Bitmessage that works in the browser and in #Node.JS. Looks to be in the testing stage. Available on #github
People and their Walled Gardens #Python #Git #GitHub @ThePSF @github @id_python
@speeddefrost Yeah, it did seem odd to me that the main announcement was on #github.