Notices tagged with javascript
Do no eval! Mind the truthers! — minimal safety measures for #Javascript. What’s your war story? #donoeval #mindthetruthers
Monday, 17-May-21 14:05:51 UTC from web -
m3u-Playlist player in Vanilla #Javascript:
Saturday, 23-Jan-21 22:03:28 UTC from web -
Want to help out people trying to free their #JavaScript? Join the #LibreJS mailing lists and the free JS taskforce at and
#Emacs for #Javascript with #skewer: connects to the browser; minimal setup (add js2-mode hook).
#Javascript map with index looks pretty cool:, index) => makeReq(url, index)) /vs/ => makeReq(url))
Tuesday, 30-Jul-19 07:30:50 UTC from web -
Thursday, 18-Jul-19 21:52:15 UTC from web
Immutable function arguments and variables #java #javascript #fortran
Wednesday, 17-Jul-19 14:18:33 UTC from web -
From the 2018 Free Software Bulletin: learn about the darkside of #JavaScript, and how you can escape the JavaScript trap with #LibreJS:
♲ @Roman
♲ @Roman
#SPON möchte keinen #Adblock oder #DNT? Seh ich ja nicht mal, da bei mir #Javascript aus ist.
#npm #javascript any1?
I don't buy the "the rise of ad-blockers led to the rise of (whatever bad thing is being discussed)" theories. They are almost always false. Ad-blocking didn't cause pop-ups and interstitials. Those things predated ad-blockers, and were caus…
I don't buy the "the rise of ad-blockers led to the rise of (whatever bad thing is being discussed)" theories. They are almost always false. Ad-blocking didn't cause pop-ups and interstitials. Those things predated ad-blockers, and were caus…
I don't buy the "the rise of ad-blockers led to the rise of (whatever bad thing is being discussed)" theories. They are almost always false. Ad-blocking didn't cause pop-ups and interstitials. Those things predated ad-blockers, and were caus…
Users shouldn't be forced to use nonfree software when interacting with their own government. Every user has the right to control their own computing, and the government shouldn't be forcing you to download and install pr…
Users shouldn't be forced to use nonfree software when interacting with their own government. Every user has the right to control their own computing, and the government shouldn't be forcing you to download and install pr…
Brendan Eich, you have ruined the Web with #Javascript!
Brendan Eich, you have ruined the Web with #Javascript!
@holger "Warum sehe ich FAZ.NET nicht?" Barrierefreiheit und so… #Javascript