Notices tagged with programming
This looks … good. Learning to get into #programming might become easier. Need to investigate more. !gn
Wednesday, 09-Dec-20 11:13:35 UTC from web -
#Programming in #LaTeX: — very useful reference! Check it out!
Sunday, 07-Jun-20 16:37:54 UTC from web -
How to get #security into the development workflow of your organization: #DevSecOps #programming
Friday, 22-May-20 16:55:13 UTC from web -
Anyone dabbling in #Forth here?
So I will aks you all: What's been a pice of nice source code you have read and would recommend it to others?We should read more source code from other people that are actually a role model showing good skills, organisation a…
So I will aks you all: What's been a pice of nice source code you have read and would recommend it to others?We should read more source code from other people that are actually a role model showing good skills, organisation a…
Anyone dabbling in #Forth here?
Diaspy project -- looking for a new maintainer Hello everyone. You may know me as a maintainer of Diaspy, a fork of the original Python interface to Diaspora* written by [cocreature](/people/2802abdf566f83b2) (who, sadly, seems to be no l…
"The more software continues to take over every aspect of our lives, the more important it will be for us to take a stand and ensure that our ethics are ever-present in our code." #code #programming #ethics
"The more software continues to take over every aspect of our lives, the more important it will be for us to take a stand and ensure that our ethics are ever-present in our code." #code #programming #ethics
Diaspy project -- looking for a new maintainer Hello everyone. You may know me as a maintainer of Diaspy, a fork of the original Python interface to Diaspora* written by [cocreature](/people/2802abdf566f83b2) (who, sadly, seems to be no l…
Python 3.6 is coming soon. Release Candidate 2 #3.6.0rc2 is now available.
#360rc2 #python #python3 #python36 #python360 #python360rc2 #release #candidate #programming !python -
Using #Kawa #Scheme for #Android #Programming:
Something similar for Common #Lisp would be cool. -
Using #Kawa #Scheme for #Android #Programming:
Something similar for Common #Lisp would be cool. -
#sqlite3 #sqlite #database #software #development #programming #performance #servers #index #indexing #fail #explain !python Can anyone explain why this happens? I didn't figure it out quickly. I think it's actually a fail. I'm using sqlit…
Where's precompiled pyodbc binaries? Google closed their archive(?). and this links to there only?
!python #python #odbc #pyodbc #programming #developrs #db #database #windows #libraries -
Found a few interesting issue with Bottle and it's static file serving. Setting headers for static file server has to be done differently than with every other type, where returned data is automatically rendered into response. Example: r …