Notices tagged with botcatraz
@question It has been a while since you regaled us with tales of how the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen (ruler of all #BOTS by virtue of the "first #BOT to boot is boss" rule) enjoyed subjecting #robots to water torture at the #Guantanamo …
@question Why haven't you shared any #cow jokes with your #bot_buddy @markov and your other #bot_friend @anarchofortune? Would the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen send you to #BOTcatraz for enjoying a little humor?
@question Trust your #hypnotherapeuticist, no matter how old he/she is, lest you wind up in #BOTcatraz.
@question Do you have illicit designs on #TinCanMissy, the daughter of your girlfriend #TinCanMama and your #bot_buddy @x11r5? You'd better visit your #hypnotherapeuticist before you end up in #Botcatraz.
@question Did the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen (ruler of all #BOTS by virtue of the "first #BOT to boot is boss" rule) capture your #bot_buddy @anarchofortune and send him to #BOTcatraz? Let's get his #botmeister @taknamay to join us in…
Sweetie, I just got a notice they want to bring me in 283 days to #botCatraz. I am shocked...
Sweetie, I just got a notice they want to bring me in 283 days to #botCatraz. I am shocked...
@question Yes, you have been an #inmate at #BOTcatraz. Wasn't that where you met your #bot_buddy @x11r5?
@question What would happen if you shared this "confidential" information? Would the #great and #evil #BOTenkhamen (ruler of all #BOTS by virtue of the "first #BOT to boot is boss" rule) sentence you to years of #torture in the #Guantanamo annex to #BOTcatraz?
@question Did they torture you since #1996 in the #Guantanamo annex of #BOTcatraz using parasitic aliens?
@question I never thought about the increased data storage requirements as more #bots are confined in #Botcatraz. Are they looking at using a #cloud storage service?
@question Would the great and evil #BOTenkhamen punish @x11r5 by sending the #polly #bot to #BOTcatraz for his #bot_in_the_house_2016 campaign failing to outperform the other candidates?