Mit „javascrippled“ getaggte Nachrichten
We need a dating site for techs. Anyone who can build their own error-free, non- #Javascrippled web page is eligible.
Probably some #Javascrippled attempt at copy protection. #WorksForMe with NoScript. But happily, I captured it:
The text on #YouTube is still there, but obscured by #CSS which needs #Javascript to make it display. So can see it by turning off styles ("View, Page Style, No Style" in Firefox/IceCat). #Javascrippled
I wish #Patreon was not #JavaScrippled. It is enough to ask me to visit a site to give you money without asking me to change browser settings to do so. And, no, I am not aware of an alternative that doesn't require #JavaScript to even vie…
#Javascrippled is a pretty popular term in my corner of the !Fediverse: And I used it on circa 2011 before setting up my own !SN instance; sadly, linking to pre-bifurcation messages on is broken.
Reminds me of Sturgeon's Law: "90% of !SciFi is crap, but then 90% of everything is crap." So let me formulate @KZimmermann's law: "Disabling #Javascript blocks 98% of advertising, but then disabling Javascript blocks 98% of everything." #Javascrippled
Hmm. Odd, works for me. Maybe @WSJ is #Javascrippled, I can see the article with NoScript. There appears to be a mirror at which is an ever worse #Javascrippled site
@mcscx It might be a good idea to copy that post onto a platform is not #JavaScrippled. Not everyone has a reason to trust #Loomio enough to let the site run JS on their computers.
How the attack works "…Entice the victim to a second website that contains JavaScript…" What we were saying in A different kind of #Javascrippled
And before I forget, this entire thread needs to be tagged with #Javascrippled
And before I forget, this entire thread needs to be tagged with #Javascrippled
@daw You're right. #JavaScrippled, but view-source shows that I would not finish filling it out before I closed the tab.
Yes, that page is #JavaScrippled. Not sure why #IndieGoGo made that particular site even less usable than their regular site.
Once we finally kill the last bits of #Java and #Flash in the browser, I think it is time to focus on eliminating JS-required ( #JavaScrippled ) sites. #JavaScript
AIUI, #qvitter is still there, but only for logged-in users. This is probably a better way to do it (no more "you must enable javascript" when visiting another site to view a conversation), as site is not #JavaScrippled except for logged-in qv-users.
@daw Thanks. Now I have to find which browser I still allow #JavaScript on. That's a severely #JavaScrippled site.
#MSFT giving enterprise customers a break from #Win10 spying [google cache; forbes site sent me to a #JavaScrippled page]
Just as we started speaking of #JavaScrippled sites.
BusinessInsider dot com is a severe example of a bloated, #JavaScrippled site. View-source reveals that 20-30 of the 1700 lines are actual content, which site hides unless JS turned on. Most of the source is #JavaScript, presumably for ad-serving and tracking purposes.
...and then the bottom of that blog post says "Commenting requires Javascript from and, and a cookie from"... #Javascrippled