Mit „systemd“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 5
blöd Frage, aber bitte ohne blöde Antwort: Ein User-Crontab lässt sich wahrscheinlich kaum durch einen #systemd Timer ersetzen oder?
#systemd: Assumptions, Bullying, Consent: —in the code
Thursday, 11-Dec-14 21:06:48 UTC von web -
“we will not support non-systemd systems with udev anymore starting at that point.” — Lennart Poettering ← does anyone still wonder why people are pissed about #systemd? Luckily #Gentoo folks created #eudev.
#OpenRC provides features touted as innovative by recent frameworks like #systemd, such as hardware initiated initscript run or cgroups support, without requiring large layout changes to accommodate radically different designs:
Monday, 24-Nov-14 07:25:30 UTC von web -
Ich sehe kaum noch Unterschiede in der Debattenkultur bei #systemd im Vergleich zu sozialkritischen Themen wie Religion.
the #debian maintainers decided they need no GR to decide #systemd
Good blog post "Avoiding #systemd isn't hard" !debian RD @aqeeliz
- I wonder if Richard Stallman has an opinion on #systemd. I wasn't able to find any article or post
"[ !debian] now have dropped support for kFreeBSD which I can only assume long with others is cause of #systemd."
Pushback against #systemd in !Debian gathers steam
Pushback against #systemd in !Debian gathers steam