Alle Arten von Neuigkeiten zu 1w6
drak groups
fedgroups fedgroups
share your groups (from your federated statusnet server)
fediverse the federated universe Terra, for now
all social media instances and their members that can directly talk to each other via federation protocols
secular Secular Society
News of Secular humanism, naturalist, non-religious! Good without any God. Against social darwinism.
sn StatusNet
StatusNet (formerly Laconica) is a microblogging platform.
fs Free, Libre, and Open Source Software World
Free software is software that gives you the user the freedom to share, study and modify it. We call this free software because the user is free.
deutschland Deutschland Germany
Gruppe für deutsche Statusnet-User, Nachrichten und Themen in/über Deutschland
art Art
Discuss the world of art and other similar topics, share your art, art thoughts and inspiration
wissen Wissenschaft Planet global
Neuigkeiten und Analysen zu allen Zweigen der Wissenschaft. Science Blogs, Medienmeldungen, Vorträge, Essays,
fairphone fairphone Planet Earth
Group for all (becoming) fairphone-users and those interested.
freeculture Free Culture the interwebz
Culture Wants To Be Free ... sharing good news about artistic emancipation and bad news about creativity stifled by corporate oppression
ebooks eBooks the interwebs
Javier Candeira's Avatar of the eBook is licensed Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
statusnet Statusnet discussion
piratenpartei Piratenpartei Deutschland Deutschland
(Nichtoffizielle) Gruppe der Piratenpartei Deutschland.