News on Creative Commons, ubiquitous.
drak Gruppen, Seite 2
gentoo Gentoo Linux™
A special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme performance, configurability and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience.
gruen Grüne (Partei, Mitglieder, Themen)
Alles zu Grünen Themen, Leuten und der Partei. (noch?) inoffizielle Gruppe.
python Python
Anything which is interesting to users or developers of the programming language python.
freenet Freenet Project
Decentral, anonymous communication and data-exchange via a distributed datastore with pubkey namespaces.
politik Politik
Alles zu Politik (bis ein Thema so groß wird, dass es eine eigene Gruppe *braucht*, weil wir nichts anderes mehr sehen ☺).
grrr Grumble rumble
have anything to grumble about? here all grumbles from across the !fediverse can combine into one mighty grumble rumble for maximum effect!
security Computer and Network Security World
Discussion of computer, network, and digital security issues, breaches, vulnerabilities, strategies. Maybe even some physical security too!
fscons FSCONS Gothenburg, Sweden
Unofficial group for people going to FSCONS, the Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit in Gothenburg, Sweden.
orgmode Emacs Org-Mode
Org-Mode is to Emacs what Emacs is to the Operating System. It begins as a simple todo-list and accompanies you all the way towards programming, reproducible research - and publishing websites.
mercurial Mercurial
Anything on using Mercurial - be it releases, regular DVCS usage or more arcane stuff ☺
babylon5 babylon5
The group for fans of the science fiction TV show, Babylon 5
scheme scheme
Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail recursive dialect of Lisp that stresses conceptual elegance and simplicity.
guteneuigkeiten Gute Neuigkeiten Wo Menschen glücklich lächeln
Mut zum Handeln: Gute Neuigkeiten sind Nachrichten, die Mut machen, selbst aktiv zu werden, und so einen Lichtblick in der heutigen Medienlandschaft bieten. Beschreibung: